u39 | Дата: Среда, 15.06.2011, 18:51 | Сообщение # 1 |
Сообщений: 249 |
Группа: Пользователи |
| unbindall
//---------------------------User Settings-------------------------------
name "Player" sensitivity "11" m_pitch "0.022" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "0.4" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" cl_crosshair_color "50 250 50" cl_crosshair_size "small" cl_crosshair_translucent 0 traceroffset "-185" tracerlength "0.5" tracerred "0" tracerblue "0" tracergreen "100" traceralpha "0.2" tracerspeed "7000" cl_dlmax "-185" bind "/" "timeleft" bind "." "stopsound"
bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" bind "TAB" "+showscores" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "~" "toggleconsole" bind F1 "deagle" bind F2 "awp; primammo; vesthelm; vest; deagle; secammo; defuser; hegren; flash; flash" bind F3 "vesthelm; vest; secammo; defuser; hegren; flash; flash; g3sg1; primammo" bind F4 "vesthelm; vest; secammo; defuser; hegren; flash; flash; m4a1; primammo" bind F5 "awp; primammo; vesthelm; vest; deagle; secammo; defuser; hegren; flash; flash"
bind "]" "" bind "[" "" bind "l" "" bind "i" "" bind "n" "" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "say /me" bind "F12" "snapshot" bind "pause" "pause" bind "-" "amxmodmenu" bind "=" "weaponmenu"
// Мега нож bind "F8" "cl_lw 0; cl_lc 0; cl_righthand 1; cl_bob 0; cl_bobcycle 0; cl_bobup 0; cl_cmdbackup 0; cl_cmdrate 9999999; cl_updaterate 501; ex_interp 0.0000001234567894;"
//---------------------------Moving & Attack-----------------------------
bind "a" "+moveleft" bind "d" "+moveright" bind "e" "+use" bind "v" "+left" bind "s" "+back" bind "w" "+forward" bind "m" "chooseteam" bind "v" "+hook" bind "x" "grab_toggle" bind "ctrl" "+duck" bind "shift" "+speed" bind "mouse1" "+attack" bind "mouse2" "+attack2" bind "mouse3" "+voicerecord" bind "f" "weapon_flashbang" bind "mouse5" "weapon_hegrenade" bind "b" "weapon_smokegrenade" bind "space" "+jump" bind "mwheelup" ""
//---------------------------Weapon & Switches---------------------------
bind "0" "slot10" bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind "t" "+impulse 201" bind "g" "drop" bind "q" "slot2" bind "r" "+reload" bind "n" ""
//---------------------------Radio & Message-----------------------------
bind "z" "radio1" bind "c" "radio3" bind "y" "messagemode" bind "u" "messagemode2"
//---------------------------Game Settings-------------------------------
_cl_autowepswitch "1" _snd_mixahead "0.1"
ati_npatch "1" ati_subdiv "2"
bgmvolume "1"
bottomcolor ""
brightness "2"
cl_allowdownload "1" cl_allowupload "1" cl_backspeed "400" cl_bobcycle "0.8" cl_cmdbackup "2" cl_cmdrate "501" cl_corpsestay "5" cl_download_ingame "1" cl_forwardspeed "400" cl_himodels "1" cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" cl_lw "1" cl_lc "1" cl_minmodels "1" cl_observercrosshair "1" cl_righthand "1" cl_showfps "1" cl_sidespeed "400" cl_timeout "35" cl_updaterate "501" cl_vsmoothing "0.05" cl_yawspeed "210" cl_weather "0"
con_color "255 255 255"
console "1.0"
crosshair "1"
ex_interp "0"
fastsprites "0"
fps_max "300" fps_modem "0"
gamma "3"
gl_dither "1" gl_flipmatrix "0" gl_monolights "0" gl_overbright "0" gl_picmip "0" gl_polyoffset "0.1" gl_spriteblend "1"
hisound "1"
hpk_maxsize "0"
hud_capturemouse "1" hud_centerid "1" hud_classautokill "1" hud_deathnotice_time "3" hud_fastswitch "1" hud_saytext_time "4" hud_takesshots "0"
joystick "0"
lookspring "0.0" lookstrafe "0.0"
m_filter "0" m_forward "1" m_side "0.8" m_yaw "0.022"
max_shells "0.0" max_smokepuffs "0.0"
mp_decals "100.0"
MP3Volume "0.0"
net_graph "0" net_graphpos "1" net_scale "5"
r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0" r_detailtexturessupported "1" r_detailtextures "0" r_drawviewmodel "1"
rate "25000"
s_a3d "0" s_automax_distance "30" s_automin_distance "2" s_bloat "2" s_distance "60" s_doppler "0" s_eax "0" s_leafnum "0" s_max_distance "1000" s_min_distance "8" s_numpolys "200" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_polysize "10000000" s_refdelay "4" s_refgain "0.4" s_rolloff "1.0" s_verbwet "0.25"
scr_conspeed "99999"
setinfo "_ah" "0" setinfo "_vgui_menus" "0" setinfo "ah" "1" setinfo "dm" "0" setinfo "cl_fov" "90" setinfo "cl_autowepswitch" "2" setinfo "lefthand" "0" setinfo "vgui_menus" "0"
suitvolume "0.48"
sv_aim "0" sv_voiceenable "1"
topcolor ""
viewsize "120.0"
voice_enable "1" voice_forcemicrecord "0.0" voice_modenable "1" voice_scale "0.75"
volume "0.5"
// KNIFE SPEED alias knifing "#slot3;" alias +Speedknif "aim 1;knifing; alias knifing; ltfxspeed 100.0;" alias -speedknif "aim 1;#slot1; speed_off;alias knifing #slot3;" //bind pgdn +Speedknif //Change the key to what ever you want
/+attack2 script alias +att2 "#+attack2" alias -att2 "#-attack2"
//Aimthru 1 alias +thrushoot "aimthru 1;#+attack" alias -thrushoot "aimthru 0;#-attack"
//Aimthru 2 W/ shoot alias +thru "aimthru 1;" alias -thru "aimthru 0;"
//Xqz2 style alias +doaim "aim 1" alias -doaim "aim 0"
// hlh style alias +doshoot "aim 1;#wait;#+attack" alias -doshoot "#-attack; aim 0"
// csg style alias +csgaim "aim 1;later 0.01 #+attack;later 0.01 aim 0" alias -csgaim "later 0.01 #-attack"
// DavVv style alias +doshootnoaim "davbot 0;#wait;#+attack" alias -doshootnoaim "#-attack; davbot 1"
///Fast DD bind "q" "+dd" alias "+dd" "+duck;wait;-duck;wait;+duck" alias "-dd" "-duck"
bind "f" "+2" alias +2 "alias _special @2;@2" alias -2 "alias _special" alias @2 "special;wait;impulse 100;wait;impulse 100;"
// bhop alias +bhp "alias _special @bhp;@bhp" alias -bhp "alias _special" alias @bhp "special;wait;+jump;wait;-jump" alias "bhp2" "+jump;wait;-jump;wait;+jump;wait;-jump;wait;+jump;wait;-jump;wait;+jump;wait; -jump;wait;+jump;wait;-jump;wait;" alias -bjskutt "-jump" bind "space" "+bhp"
===============Chat's color changer
alias black "con_color 0+0+0" alias darkergrey "con_color 51+51+51" alias darkgrey "con_color 66+66+66" alias lightergrey "con_color 90+90+90" alias evenlightergrey "con_color 150+150+150" alias lightiergrey "con_color 190+190+190" alias lightestgrey "con_color 220+220+220" alias white "con_color 255+255+255" alias red "con_color 255+51+51" alias darkred "con_color 204+0+0" alias lightred "con_color 255+0+0" alias green "con_color 0+204+51" alias darkgreen "con_color 0+102+0" alias lightgreen "con_color 0+255+0" alias blue "con_color 0+102+102" alias darkblue "con_color 0+0+153" alias lightblue "con_color 0+0+255" alias purple "con_color 204+0+153" alias darkpurple "con_color 204+0+255" alias lightpurple "con_color 255+0+255" alias brown "con_color 153+153+102" alias yellow "con_color 255+255+0" alias orange "con_color 255+102+51" alias pink "con_color 255+0+204" alias darkpink "con_color 204+102+153" alias color "cl1" alias cl1 "black; alias color cl2" alias cl2 "darkergrey; alias color cl3" alias cl3 "darkgrey; alias color cl4" alias cl4 "lightergrey; alias color cl5" alias cl5 "evenlightergrey; alias color cl6" alias cl6 "lightiergrey; alias color cl7" alias cl7 "lightestgrey; alias color cl8" alias cl8 "white;alias color cl9" alias cl9 "red;alias color cl10" alias cl10 "darkred;alias color cl11" alias cl11 "lightred;alias color cl12" alias cl12 "green;alias color cl13" alias cl13 "darkgreen;alias color cl14" alias cl14 "lightgreen;alias color cl15" alias cl15 "blue;alias color cl16" alias cl16 "darkblue;alias color cl17" alias cl17 "lightblue;alias color cl18" alias cl18 "purple;alias color cl19" alias cl19 "darkpurple;alias color cl20" alias cl20 "lightpurple;alias color cl21" alias cl21 "brown;alias color cl22" alias cl22 "yellow;alias color cl23" alias cl23 "orange;alias color cl24" alias cl24 "pink;alias color cl25" alias cl25 "darkpink;alias color cl1"
Bind "f5" "color"
^Christ NS alias "+christns" "aim_smooth 1;aim_on 1;aim_lock 1" alias "-christns" "aim_smooth 0;aim_on 0;aim_lock 0" alias +gag "+moveright;wait;+right;cl_yawspeed 2500;+oo" alias -gag "-moveright;wait;-right;-oo" bind "e" "+gag"
// скрипт для быстрого разворота на 180 градусов alias "180" "fps_max 10;cl_yawspeed 7199;wait;+left;wait;-left;wait;fps_max 140;cl_yawspeed "1000000000000"" bind "MWHEELUP" "180"
//---------------------------The End-------------------------------------
echo "naweT Haxyu'"
| |